Monday, December 26, 2011

PCOS: My story & Natural Progesterone Cream

My resource for clearpatch This one is based on menopause but really a lot of our treatment goes along the same lines as menopause and this page has a TON of info too A no nonsense approach. I am currently documenting my own trials with infertility and sharing what I find along the way. Join me and feel free to comment below with any added information or corrections (or anything else you want). Edit: I am adding in a link to my support forum. This site is chalk full of amazing women that are an invaluable resource and I have absolutly no idea where I would be today if not for them. If you have any ANY questions about PCOS and I can't answer it I will first and foremost direct you here. My only request is that you respect the men and women on this site as they deserve it.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Menopause - Using Natural Progesterone Cream to Treat Menopause Symptoms

!±8± Menopause - Using Natural Progesterone Cream to Treat Menopause Symptoms

Natural progesterone cream is one of the ways to treat menopause symptoms that available without prescription in skin creams of various strengths including none at all in some! But the most often used non-prescription progesterone cream like Pro-Gest contains 450 mg progesterone per ounce which is the same amount that found in custom-made prescription creams. The reason for using a natural progesterone cream is to help normalize the progesterone levels and to balance the excess estrogen which produced by a woman's body during menopausal stage.

Recently some studies show that the effects of progesterone can relief the mild hot flashes during perimenopause and menopause. But it isn't a safe choice for protecting the uterus if you are using estrogen therapy in treating the symptoms of menopause. The reason is that it isn't enough to absorb into the bloodstream when applying the cream to the skin's surface. Some menopausal women claimed that natural progesterone cream is a much safer alternative than synthetic based hormone therapy in treating menopause symptoms. This is mainly because of it contains the same kind of progesterone which is produced naturally by your body. This normally means that the natural option is assimilated by your body much easier and has far fewer negative effects during menopausal stage.

Natural progesterone cream is derived from the Mexican Wild Yam that has the same molecular makeup as the progesterone hormone that produced by your body. Therefore this cream can actually help to balance your hormones during menopausal stage and help to relief or even eliminate the worst menopause symptoms which you're likely to experience during menopausal stage.

Since a good natural progesterone cream can help in balancing the hormones in your body, the progesterone side effects can reduce the risk of breast cancer and relief the symptoms of menopause and even PMS. Other health benefits by using this menopause treatment include:

* Helps your body use stored fat for energy.
* Helps prevent water retention.
* Is a natural anti depressant.
* Can increase libido.
* Has been shown to increase bone density and bone building.
* Can help balance blood sugar levels.
* Helps to control and reduce mood swings partly due to its anti depressant features.

Before you purchase the natural progesterone cream to treat your menopause symptoms, you should make sure that you don't overdo it or apply it too much. Whichever menopause treatment you decide to use for relieving the symptoms of menopause, always follow the instructions on how much to apply and how often to use during menopausal stage.

Menopause - Using Natural Progesterone Cream to Treat Menopause Symptoms

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Herbs For Perimenopause Women - 9 Helpful Herbs

!±8± Herbs For Perimenopause Women - 9 Helpful Herbs

Women experienced menarche (first menstrual cycle) at a young age. Some of us experience PMS every month; for others, the mere thought of a monthly period was enough to make you uncomfortable. But because of that, we were given the ability to bear children. As mothers, we form a special bond with them that is hard to replicate.

But as we age in premenopause, we are faced with a far greater monster: Perimenopause. For some, this phase could last from a mere 2 years to a long 10 years. Though relative, almost two-thirds of the population of women suffers from moderate to severe perimenopause symptoms.

Most women prefer to go all-natural. Herbs for perimenopause are in abundance and can usually be found in local stores. These home remedy herbs do not contain estrogen, but they do have phytoestrogens which acts as weak estrogen. Also, recent studies have shown that these are successful in the prevention of breast-tissue tumors. When taken, these have no side effects, which is why women tend to lean more on these.

1. Alfalfa. Very beneficial for perimenopausal women and breastfeeding mothers, this also lessens the risk of you having breast cancer,
2. Black Cohosh. When taken, this has the ability to imitate estrogen. This also has the capacity to balance hormone production during perimenopause and menopause.
3. Black Haw. This is used to prevent excessive menstrual flow. Also, this herb alleviates menstrual cramping brought about by an irregular menstrual cycle.
4. Dong quai. Used by the Chinese for centuries, it regulates and balances hormone production.
5. Gingko biloba. This not only improves blood circulation to the body, but also improves memory and treats the loss of concentration experienced by some women.
6. Rosemary. Originally known as a spice used for cooking, this great herb keeps the brain invigorated to make sure that the brain works properly.
7. Chaste tree berry. Restores estrogen/progesterone balance and counters hot flashes. It diminishes the pain felt from menstrual cramps. It also has the ability to mimic progesterone.
8. Green tea. Aside from its anti-oxidant properties, green tea is also good for blood circulation and helps in the prevention of cancer. Also reported to regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce hot flashes.
9. Red clover. This also lessens hot flashes and it reverses the premature menopause in a much younger woman.

There are not many studies made of these herbs. It is still recommended that you go to your local herbalist or naturalist for a prescription on how to mix certain herbs. Too much or too little of the herbs may have an adverse effect, so they would be of great help to you. But based on the women who have found a great deal of comfort in them, it doesn't hurt to try.

Herbs For Perimenopause Women - 9 Helpful Herbs

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How to Safely Use Natural Remedies to Stop Menstrual Flooding

!±8± How to Safely Use Natural Remedies to Stop Menstrual Flooding

Three years ago I was shopping with my husband in a small town several hours drive from home. I suddenly had to rush back to the car when I realized that I was experiencing a menstrual flood. This had never happened before. I was shocked and became frightened that the bleeding wouldn't stop! I thought that there must be a natural method that could help me. After cleaning up in a nearby restroom, pale and weak, but not ready to give up, I asked my husband drive me to the town's natural health store.

'No', the woman who worked there assured me with an amused smile, "there's nothing that stops menstrual bleeding or slows it down." The bleeding eventually did stop on its own, but that comment by a well-meaning, but ignorant employee, left me annoyed and inspired to search for herbs I knew must exist that could do what she said was impossible.

I found them.

Red raspberry leaf, ladies mantle, shepherd's purse, and yarrow all slow or reduce menstrual bleeding. With a little digging and experimentation, I found many other solutions to prevent the problem.

Use one or a combination of herbs to make an infusion, which is also known as a herbal tea, or buy a herbal tincture at the natural food store. I chose to drink an infusion made from a blend of 1-2 tsp each: dried red raspberry leaves and ladies mantle leaves, I covered the pot and steeped the herbs for 10 minutes in just-boiled water. This treatment works best if you have one cup a day for about week before menstruation and 1-2 cups during your period. If you like it sweeter, add several pieces of licorice root or a few lemonbalm leaves to steep with the red raspberry and ladies mantle leaves, or ¼ tsp honey after the tea is ready.

An effective aromatherapy treatment is to rub your abdomen several times a day with 1 tsp olive oil or sweet almond oil blended with 2-3 drops sage or vitex essential oil.

I also came across an unusual suggestion for reducing profuse menstruation in an old herbal by Dian Dincin Buchman in my personal library. 'Grate and dry carrots and eat one piece at a time several times a day, as a potent aid to regulate menstruation. Grate about a pound from the heaviest part of the carrot. Dry it on paper in the sun for a week or two until it shrivels up into small pieces." She also suggests adding a few grains of cayenne pepper to the herbal tea of your choice, drinking diluted lemon juice during your period, eating lentils and drinking a half cup of strong thyme tea, morning and evening. She suggests making shepherd's purse tea by infusing a handful of the herb in a pint of boiling water. Drink the tea warm if possible. Use 2 cups three times a day.

A long-term solution to address the underlying cause of hormonal imbalance, is the wonderful woman's herb Vitex aka Chasteberry, which helps balance hormones. A 1930s scientific study using a tincture of dried vitex berries found that a month or two of using this herb normalized menstrual cycles and reduced flow.

Since excessive menstrual bleeding (or menorrhagia) can indicate several serious problems, be sure to consult your doctor for a diagnosis before beginning self-treatment.

An excess of estrogen and prolactin or an excess of a hormone-like substance called prostaglandin 2 are two possible causes for heavy menstrual periods. A sluggish thyroid also increases menstruation. So can endometriosis, uterine fibroids, an IUD birth control device, and blood thinning drugs.

Menstruation normally causes a decrease in physical energy, and if you bleed heavily you may find that your blood pressure becomes low, leading to a feeling of exhaustion and an irresistible desire to take a nap during the day! Excessive menstruation can lead to anemia and that can also lead to extreme fatigue. Some medical researchers believe that iron deficiency stimulates bleeding, which leads to an even greater iron deficiency.

To correct anemia, drink herbal teas made from herbs that have high levels of iron including stinging nettle, oatstraw herb, red clover, red raspberry, goji berries, and rooibos. Your natural food store will have pills or liquid Floridix which is highly absorbable, unlike iron pills dispensed through conventional drug stores.

If you experience cramping along with heavy bleeding, use the same herbs suggested for alleviating menstrual cramps-wild yam root, false unicorn root, cramp bark and American spikenard-to reduce the severity of both of the problems.

Herbs to Reduce Excessive Menstruation

Vitex (aka Chasteberry)- regulates and normalizes hormones connected to the reproductive system. It is especially beneficial and the herb of choice for many women to relieve menopausal changes. It has a profound action in lessening 'hot flashes.' Studies verify that vitex increases the production of lutenizing hormones, enhancing the progesterone cycle. At the same time it inhibits the release of the follicle-stimulating hormone, FSH, and normalizes the estrogen cycle. Vitex may be used for acute situations but it is most effective if taken over a prolonged period of time. No side effects have ever been reported from extensive and extended use of this plant.

Red raspberry: Due to the drying effect of the tannins it contains, Red raspberry is used to treat profuse and painful menstruation. It relaxes uterine and intestinal spasms and strengthens uterine walls. Red Raspberry leaves are nutritious too - containing vitamins A, B, C, and E - they're also rich in calcium, phosphorus, niacin and iron. They are an excellent source of manganese, a trace mineral used by the body to produce healthy connective tissue, such as bone matrix and cartilage and an important factor in energy metabolism. Red Raspberry promotes healthy nails, bones, teeth and skin. Drinking 1-2 cups of red raspberry leaf every day is a nutritious tonic tea.

Lady's mantle:Lady's Mantle's astringent and styptic properties help reduce period pains and lessen heavy menstrual bleeding. It helps a woman's body adjust to changing hormone levels during menopause. It is an anti-estrogenic herb that helps regulate irregular cycles, relieves cramps.

Yarrow:A catalyst for the female reproductive system, it has a positive effect on ovarian problems, menstrual irregularity, menstrual cramps, and menopausal symptoms, insomnia, nervous tension, stress related conditions;. It is used to reduce excessive menstrual bleeding, to ease menstrual cramps and to stimulate delayed or absent menstrual cycles. Famous German herbalist Maria Treban writes: "Yarrow is a medicinal herb that would be difficult to be without; it is of great value for many illnesses but first and foremost, it is a herb for women. I cannot recommend Yarrow enough for women...A woman during menopause should take advantage of Yarrow tea and save herself a lot of inner restlessness and other problems." Drink a cup of yarrow tea daily;

Shepherd's purse:Shepherd's purse is used to stop heavy bleeding and hemorrhaging, particularly from the uterus when taken internally. It has also been used to treat postpartum hemorrhage. It is considered most effective for the treatment of chronic uterine bleeding disorders, including uterine bleeding due to the presence of uterine fibroids. Shepherd's purse has been used internally to treat cases of blood in the urine and bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, such as with bleeding ulcers. An astringent agent, shepherd's purse constricts blood vessels and reduces blood flow. Shepherd's purse is also thought to cause the uterine muscle to contract, which also helps reduce bleeding. It is a remedy for blood pressure problems, nosebleeds, irregular heartbeat, wounds and burns.

Cautions: Pregnant or breastfeeding women, people with kidney stones or kidney disease should avoid Shepherd's purse. Consult with your doctor before taking Shepherd's purse if you have blood pressure, thyroid gland, or heart problems.

How to Safely Use Natural Remedies to Stop Menstrual Flooding

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Friday, November 18, 2011

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Safe and Natural Remedies for Menopause

!±8± Safe and Natural Remedies for Menopause

Although the menopause is perceived as a negative occurrence, not all women suffer during this time of their life. However, many women suffer with fatigue, headache, insomnia, night sweats, hot flashes, depression and weight gain. Fortunately there are natural remedies for menopause so there is no need for the risks associated with medication such as hormone replacement therapy drugs.

The key to health is getting plenty of regular exercise, preferably three to four days per week. This will not only help with hormone regulation, but also with lowering your risk for getting diseases such as cancer, heart disease and arthritis. It can also help in reducing bone loss and it also releases natural feel-good hormones.

Natural progesterone is also considered one of the natural remedies for menopause. It is best when used as a cream where it can be directly absorbed through the skin. Natural progesterone has almost no side effects, unlike synthetic progesterone.

Acupressure in also recommended as one of the natural remedies for menopause. This treatment can help lower the symptoms of insomnia, hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain and night sweats.

Some herbs that are recommended include Black Cohosh, Evening Primrose Oil, Ginseng and Chaste Tree Berry. Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidus, which are the good types of bacteria in our intestines, can help with the utilisation of estrogen.

Vitamins and minerals should also be taken. In particular, vitamin E can help with night sweats and reduce hot flashes when taken daily in doses of between 400 and 800 IU. Calcium and magnesium are also important. Calcium carbonate is not the best choice as it is hard to absorb. A better choice would be calcium citrate or ascorbate. The best forms of magnesium are citrate and malate. Daily doses of vitamin C helps in the absorption of vitamin E and increases capillary strength. This vitamin also has many other health benefits.

Another way to improve symptoms is to focus on your diet. Foods that contain caffeine or phosphorous, such as carbonated drinks, could cause bone loss. A diet high in saturated fat can lower the body's ability to metabolise estrogen. High sugar intake can also weaken the immune system and can lower the liver's ability of metabolising estrogen.

Foods that you should include in your diet are oats, whole grains, whole wheat, brown rice, nuts and seeds. Soy, which contains phytoestrogens, should also be part of your diet, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables (organic when possible).

Some of these natural remedies for menopause will work for most women, however every woman is different and some things may work better for you than others. The thing to do is be patient and see what combination of treatments work the best for you.

Safe and Natural Remedies for Menopause

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Natural Progesterone Cream to Help Alleviate Symptoms of Menopause

!±8± Natural Progesterone Cream to Help Alleviate Symptoms of Menopause

Natural progesterone creams can offer considerable relief of symptoms of menopause, especially over the chemical based or altered progesterone products that are proven unsafe for general use. One recent natural progesterone cream to hit the market with rave reviews is Natpro's natural progesterone cream.

Progesterone is produced in women by the ovaries. When a woman begins to hit menopause, her natural levels of progesterone will start to decrease. The ovaries and reproductive system begins to shut off and degenerate. The use of effective natural progesterone creams are becoming hugely popular since they help increase progesterone production, even after a woman has reached menopause. Menopause is when menstruation or PMS no longer occurs in women. At this point, estrogen production is dropped significantly and this marks the end of the woman's ability to reproduce. Along with this comes the negative effects of menopause.

Negative symptoms of menopause usually includes:

-Hot flashes
-Dry skin
-Vaginal irritation
-Bladder problems

Menopause causes a severe drop in the sex hormones progesterone and estrogen. Menopause normally occurs between the ages of 50-55, although it can happen even earlier. Natpro is a natural progesterone cream that can provide safe relief for women going through menopause.

The aim of natural progesterone is to reduce or entirely eliminate symptoms of menopause such as those listed above. The main benefits of using such cream includes reduction of hot flashes and vaginal irritation. Natural progesterone will help make life easier for any woman going through menopause. Natpro is the leader in natural progesterone creams. There are no toxic chemicals, growth hormones or other unnatural ingredients. What does this mean to you? This simply means that there are no side effects involved with Natpro. There are many other creams on the market that use unnatural ingredients that can cause irritation and a host of other unwanted side effects.

Estrogen dominance has been linked to many forms of cancer, therefore natural progesterone therapy can help balance out the system, thus enhancing cancer prevention. Of all the methods to combat the negative symptoms of menopause, only exercise, proper diet and the use of a 100% organic natural progesterone cream such as Natpro has been proven effective and safe for effective treatment of menopause.

By keeping estrogen dominance at bay you will help prevent menopausal symptoms such as weigh gain, increased blood clotting, endometriosis and certain cancers.

Natural Progesterone Cream to Help Alleviate Symptoms of Menopause

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